Dual-Screen Laptop Concept Reminds Us Of Star Trek

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Who watched Star Trek? Well, a lot of us! Yes, it was the SF TV series that found a place in the hearts of many fans. To be honest, I kinda liked the TV series myself, as things happening there looked impossible, and, at a moment, I was believing that the director was a mad man.
But now, 50 years since this imaginary universe was created, I can say that the director was a visionary. I was always fascinated by transportation and  by those touchscreen control panels, with colorful buttons, all on a black background.
Crowd is one of the notebook concepts that won a prize in the Fujitsu Award 2011 competition.
Probably, Philipp Schaake, the designer of the Crowd notebook, was a fan of Star Trek himself, as the interface of the gadget is a reminiscent of the control panels of the Enterprise spaceship.
And everything seems like beginning to become reality. At Fujitsu’s Design Award 2011 creations contest, Philipp Schaake and Sensid Studio design team have presented a notebook concept with elements borrowed from Star Trek. The black glass, the big and colorful buttons are underpinning this concept. It looks more like a notebook made from two tablets, which can be used separately or together and especially designed for social networking.
We don’t know anything about the technology inside the Crowd notebook, or about the dimensions of the concept, but the creator referred to iPad several times. So, it’s possible that the best-selling tablet to serve as a base for this concept.
The design of Crowd notebook was awarded at the above mentioned design contest and we expect it to be implemented to a gadget that will be mass produced. Anyway, we’ll see who will want to get involved in the development of the concept or with what technology.
To be honest, I really like the idea and let’s face it, Crowd concept looks great. The Star Trek SF is one step closer to reality, so “Beam me up Scotty!”
Crowd Notebook Concept - frontCrowd Notebook Concept - frontalCrowd Notebook Concept - dividedCrowd Notebook Concept - side viewCrowd Notebook Concept - topCrowd Notebook Concept - details




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