Microsoft Office Note and Tutorial Collection from Official A's Desk Space

Monday, February 27, 2012

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Binary File Format (.xlsb) Specification.pdf

Microsoft Office Excel 2007
When a workbook is saved in the Binary Workbook (*.xlsb) format, the file parts describing the spreadsheet data are saved in BIFF (Binary Interchange File Format), and packaged as described in the Office Open XML Ecma Standard 376. These parts include:
·         Workbook
·         Metadata
·         Styles
·         Strings
·         Sheets (Worksheet/Chartsheet/Dialogsheet/Macrosheet/Sheet Index)
·         Calculation Parts (CalcChain/Volatile Dependencies)
·         Pivot Table Parts (PivotCache/PivotTable/External Connections)
·         Table Parts (Table/Query Table)
·         Revision Parts (User Names/Revision Headers/Revisions)
·         Supplementary Data
·         Comments

369 page

Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Excel 2007.pdf
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Finding and using keyboard shortcuts
For keyboard shortcuts in which you press two or more keys simultaneously, the keys to press are separated by a plus sign (+) in Microsoft Office Word 2007 Help. For keyboard shortcuts in which you press one key immediately followed by another key, the keys to press are separated by a comma (,).
20 page

Microsoft Office Excel®2007 Training Slaidshow.pdf
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Overview: A hands-on introduction
Lesson 1: What’s changed, and why
Lesson 2: Get to work in Excel
Lesson 3: A new file format
49 page

Microsoft Excel 2007 keyboard shortcut.pdf
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
CTRL combination shortcut key.
work for windows OS key only.
3 page

How to use Microsoft Excel 2007.pdf
Microsoft Excel 2007
Microsoft Office Excel is a powerful tool used to create and format spreadsheets.
Spreadsheets allow information to be organized in rows and tables and analyzed with automatic mathematics.
Spreadsheets are commonly be used to perform many different types of calculations.
12 page

Microsoft Word 2007 manual .pdf

Microsoft Word 2007
Microsoft® Office Word 2007Citations

Word 2007 includes a fullfeatured citation manager. This document will show you how to use
this feature. You’ll learn how to add sources, create a bibliography, and manage sources.
This manual is intended for users who have a basic knowledge of Word 2007. Some softwarespecific
terms will be used.
13 page

Life After Word 2003.pdf


Microsoft Office Word 2007
Welcome to Life After Word 2003. This manual will serve as both an introduction to Microsoft Word
2007, as well as a guide to better assist your transition from Word 2003 to Word 2007. The bulk of this
publication will be a “How to” manual presenting the fundamental steps in Word 2007, but will also include
tables at the end of each section comparing the steps you took in Word 2003 to the steps you will now
take in Word 2007.
While Microsoft has made some noticeable changes to their latest release of Office, we hope that with the
assistance of this guide your transition will not be too intimidating. The instructions in this document are
assuming that all settings are the defaults. If you have changed any of the settings in Word 2007, the
images and instructions may be somewhat different. The images you see in the following document were
taken on a Windows Vista PC using Microsoft Word 2007.
23 page

Microsoft Word 2007.pdf
Microsoft Office Word 2007
Quick reference guild
2 page

Microsoft Word 2007 tutorial .pdf


Microsoft Word 2007
Microsoft® Office Word complete tips and tutorial book.

50 page

Power Point Crosswalk.pdf

Microsoft Office Power Point 2007
These handouts are designed for users who are planning to transition from MS Office 2003 to MS Office 2007. Crosswalks show users the location of most Office 2003 commands in Office 2007. A basic knowledge of Office 2003 is recommended when referring to the Crosswalks.
33 page

Introduction To Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.pdf

Microsoft Power Point 2007
PowerPoint enables anyone to produce, with a little practice, beautifully laid out
presentations, either as on-screen shows, or as OHP slides. The aim of these notes is
to introduce you to the basics of PowerPoint. It will tell you how to create attractive
animated presentations that include animation, images, charts, tables, and links to
other software.

*Note from The  University of Sheffield program by CiCS
19 page

PowerPoint 2007 handout .pdf


Microsoft Power Point 2007
PowerPoint is currently the most common software used for making visual aids for presentations. It has been redesigned for the 2007 release with a much more user-friendly and intuitive layout than its predecessors.

This tutorial will teach you the basic tools for making a PowerPoint presentation and familiarize you with the new PowerPoint 2007 workspace.
10 page





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Who walks the path of heaven will rule over everything... Bring the Peace, Keep the Peace, Walk in Peace then Rest in Peace...

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