So you wanna perv some photos on FB, but you're not her friend... LOLK
We've all seen this
But it not want to work nowz, what do?
The old code would look similar to: nxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx_xxx
The new code will look similar to: xxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_nFormat is: [albumid]_[photoid]_[profileid]_[random]_[random]_n
Let's examine some new code
which renders:
All you need to do now is look at 2 numbers, but you only need 1 URL! The rest is trash for now. Ain' that some shit?
So you see the filename: 29885_401876115998_42383040998_4109786_5492652_n on some site or image board and you want MOAR of this girl, but who is she? what's her fb?
Check out the 3rd number in that image name ' 42383040998 ' - This would be her FB ID. Ok, what do I do now?
paste it here: ( )
awesome, her FB page.. but I want the picture and she wont add me . What do?
Look at the 2nd number in that image name ' 401876115998 ' - This would be that photos album ID (setid). sex, what do now? some long as URL? no nigger, check it!
paste it here: ( ) - No, that's not a typo, its the same URL, different ID. The same URL will redirect you to the USER and or ALBUM
Alternatively you could use:[2nd]&set=a.[2nd].[3rd] - and get the same result (were [2nd] is the 2nd number and soforth )
Here is another example you can try
Profile: (try to click on the profile picture for images, you cant)
The actual photo listed above:
The album containing the photo:
I will update this later with more info/hacks - There are more ways of viewing if the above fails.
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