Hacked Facebook Fun

Saturday, December 17, 2011

These are not works of our own, We have simply collected them for enjoyment. We are not taking credit for any piece of art presented here. This is simply the rape and pillage that can ensue when someones Facebook gets hacked.
"Adam" was watching some Discovery channel then suddenly a pampers diaper commercial comes along just to engorge his skin pencil.
Looks like "Judy" decides to quit church and become a child molester.. not without a struggle from the children's youth pastor. "Judys" reply is priceless.
So.. how did you and Heather brea.... oh wait never mind.
I don't think this bitch be messin, don't break into "Nardas" crib or the whole world will know.
Now they can have a baby and not be asked to go on Jerry Springer again. Thanks "Cori" for clearing things up for us.
Loving husband, dedicated father, devote Christian.. oh yea and he accidentally uploaded the wrong photo.
This one is a bit more elaborate, and epic. When someone passes away their Facebook gets lots of RIP love. But just what happens when they respond back?




Qoute from A's desk

Who walks the path of heaven will rule over everything... Bring the Peace, Keep the Peace, Walk in Peace then Rest in Peace...

Total Tayangan Laman


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